The EH&S Laboratory Safety program helps researchers, lab managers, and supporting lab staff establish a safe work environment and maintain compliance with all local, state and federal regulations.

The program is managed by a team of skilled professionals that provide guidance and oversight to research staff in the following areas:

  • Use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials
  • Research proposal safety reviews
  • Hazard assessments
  • Lab equipment certifications
  • Development of specific laboratory safety programs
  • New lab walkthroughs/consultations
  • Special hazard materials/equipment approvals

For more information, please contact the Lab Safety Team members or send an email to

Documents & Forms:


Event References:

Emergency Signage Program

Welcome to the FIU Emergency Signage Program. Our mission is to ensure the safety of all personnel and facilitate effective communication during emergencies. We provide essential hazard information and emergency contact details through strategically placed signage across campus.

The Emergency Signage Program captures data to create emergency signage for spaces with hazards or where experiments are conducted at FIU. The signage displays hazards and provides two emergency contacts for each space. This information is crucial for first responders to understand potential hazards in emergency situations.

To submit an Emergency Signage Request, please fill out the online form:

Watch our comprehensive video to learn more about the Emergency Signage Program:


  • Responsibility: Group Leads (Principal Investigators or Academic Laboratory Managers) are responsible for ensuring emergency signage for their spaces is current and accurately reflects all hazards and emergency contacts.
  • Submission: Group Leads—Principal Investigators or Academic Laboratory Managers—must either submit the Emergency Signage Request Form or designate someone within their group to do so.
  • Shared Spaces: Collaboration is required to submit one emergency signage request for the entire shared space, indicating all hazards and emergency contacts.
    • The Emergency Signage Pre-Fill Support Form is designed to help shared spaces and open concepts gather necessary information from different research groups or academic departments. This form is not submitted to EH&S but assists in preparing a consolidated request for the entire shared space. 

Process Overview:

  1. Data Collection: Capture location details, hazards, and emergency contacts.
  2. Submission: Group Leads or assigned proxies submit the consolidated emergency signage request after completing the Emergency Signage Pre-Fill Support Form.
  3. Approval: EH&S initiates an approval process involving verification by Group Leads.
  4. Signage Creation: Upon approval, EH&S creates and installs the signage.
  5. Database Update: Updated information is shared with FIU Police Dispatch for emergency response coordination.


  1. What is the Emergency Signage Program?
    • The program ensures crucial hazard and emergency contact information is displayed prominently in various campus spaces.
  1. Who can participate?
    • Participation is limited to principal investigators, academic lab managers, or authorized FIU employees within their group.
  1. Why do shared spaces and open concepts need to submit one request for the entire space?
    • To ensure consistency and comprehensive coverage, shared spaces and open concepts must collaborate to submit a single emergency signage request that includes hazards and emergency contacts for the entire area.
  1. Which locations require emergency signage?
    • Any space with hazards or where experiments are conducted, including individual rooms, shared spaces, and open-concept areas.
  1. What information is on the signage?
    • Visual depictions of hazards and two emergency contacts, aiding first responders in assessing risks.
  1. How do I update signage information?
    • Submit a request to update details through the program’s process to maintain an effective emergency response system.

For further assistance or questions, please contact:

Victoria Villa, EH&S Safety Officer

Lab Self-Audit

The Lab Self-Audit (LSA) is a mandatory self-inspection program for FIU's academic and research community to cultivate a proactive approach to safety and regulatory compliance. Conducted annually through an online survey, the LSA supports FIU by:

  • Promoting individual accountability for safety and regulatory compliance
  • Encouraging a proactive approach to environmental health and safety issues
  • Facilitating a better understanding of regulatory compliance
  • Reducing lab-related incidents, injuries, and violations through effective communication and training

The LSA survey is designed to help you identify safety and compliance concerns and provide links and resources to help reduce compliance gaps. EH&S reviews submissions to verify whether regulated hazards, safety equipment, standards, and practices are in place as required by governing regulatory agencies and institutional policies.

The LSA will be used in conjunction with the EH&S annual inspections to identify compliance concerns/deficiencies and allow EH&S to assist in implementing corrective actions by educating the space occupants on best laboratory practices and procedures.

IMPORTANT: Only FIU employees (staff, faculty, etc.) are allowed to complete the LSA. Non-employees (students, volunteers, interns, etc.) are not permitted to fill it out. If you are a student working part-time or full-time and are authorized by the Principal Investigator or Academic Laboratory Manager to complete the LSA, use your FIU employee email address and assigned lab title instead of "Student".

LSA Resources

In case you miss, or delete, email or listserv communications pertaining to the 2024 LSA, sleep easy knowing they will all have a home right here: 

Unsure If Your Space(s) Must Complete the LSA?

The 2024 LSA Determination Survey helps determine if an LSA is required for your space(s). Use the link to complete a 2-minute survey that will assist in classifying your space(S) and the operations conducted within it. Note:The survey is anonymous and not linked to the LSA.

Resources To Assist Before Beginning the LSA:

  • LSA Introduction Guide Video: A video covering all the information requirements and available resources. 
  • LSA Preview – A PDF copy of the online survey showing all questions, explanations, choices, and conditional triggers.
    • Please note: This is NOT the official Lab Self-Audit. Do not submit to EH&S for review. 
  • LSA Checklist - This is a condensed version of the questions in a checklist-style format for quick safety walkthroughs. Use it before commencing the LSA or throughout the year to ensure compliance.

Lab Self-Audit Access: 

  • The 2024 Lab Self-Audit is not available yet.  
    • Availability Timeframe: The LSA will be open for three (3) full months.
      • Start: August 1, 2024
      • End: October 31, 2024
    • Note: Completing the LSA within the desingated timeframe is mandatory. Failure to do so will result in an escalation process.

Contact Information:

For LSA inquiries, please contact Victoria Villa, the LSA Program Coordinator and EH&S Safety Officer. See contact information below.

Past LSA Data Reports:

2023 LSA Data Report
2022 LSA Data Report

2021 LSA Data Report
2020 LSA Data Report
2019 LSA Data Report
2018 LSA Data Report

2017 LSA Data Report
2016 LSA Data Report